NRG R0848

Primary Category:

Radiation Oncology, Treatment Protocols

Disease Category:

Gastrointestinal, Pancreatic



A Phase II-R and A Phase III Trial Evaluating Both Erlotinib (Ph II-R) and Chemoradiation (Ph III) as Adjuvant Treatment for Patients with Resected Head of Pancreas Adenocarcinoma


Eligible for screening study DCP 001

R0848 closed to accrual at 5 PM ET Friday, June 1, 2018, because it  reached its accrual target.  Step 2 randomization will remain open.  All patients registered to Step 1 by Friday, June 1, 2018 will proceed to the randomization step (Step 2).  If patients are unable to be randomized, Step 2 will still be completed with the reason for no randomization being provided.